It’s the 50 year Anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and as part of the celebration Friends of the Metolius hosted a family friendly display at the Fish Overlook in Camp Sherman with information about the river and the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The event was on July 7, a busy weekend on the river, and was well attended.
We collected the Best 50 Ideas on how each of us can protect the Metolius in the future with the theme being “50 ways to love the Metolius, without loving it to death.”
Forest Service employees Amy Racki (left), Recreation Team Leader, and Sommer Moyer, Special Use Permit Administrator, review some of the 50 ideas for protecting the Metolius.
FOM board member Doug Hancock helps young river lovers with their ideas for protecting the Metolius
FOM board member Lorie Hancock provides information about the river to a visitor.
FOM board member Tom Landis (left) and retired Forest Service employee Rod Bonacker helped educate visitors about the Metolius and the Wild and Scenic River Act.